DEEP Startup Ecosystem Accelerator

Accelerator program for startup ecosystem builders

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Accelerate your Ecosystem Project With DEEP

DEEPSEA – The DEEP Startup Ecosystem Accelerator © is the first global startup ecosystem accelerator program, first launched in 2018. It’s a cohort-based program to implement 10-12 innovation projects, boosting the growth of new vertical and geographic ecosystems.

Special Edition:

Consolid8 - Social Innovation Ecosystem Accelerator

Applications Closed!

Specialized Program on Social Innovation Ecosystems

As part of the consolid8 project funded by the European Union, DEEP Ecosystems and an international consortium, jointly offer a full 2-year ecosystem accelerator for social innovation ecosystem builders. The program will offer you the full benefits of DEEPSEA plus access to the consolid8 network.

Find out more

Application Form

To submit your application, please fill out the form below. Deadline: 26 February 2024.

About the Accelerator

Implement world class startup support programs and ecosystem initiatives in your region and raise funds for them!

The 2-year ecosystem acceleration and the DEEPSEA program enable advanced ecosystem hubs to develop world-class innovation support offerings and to raise funds for their activities via public funding applications and the development of own business models.

  • Work with world-class facilitators and mentors with experiences in ecosystem development from top hubs
  • Data-driven analysis of your ecosystem UVPs and definition of key objectives
  • Blueprints from Silicon Valley, Estonia, Munich, Chile and more
  • Partnering strategy and networking support to achieve global impact
  • Develop a sustainable business model for your project to sustain activities in the long-term
  • Raise funds via public funding opportunities supported by DEEP’s funding monitoring and partner search


Apply here

The DEEPSEA Challenge

Accelerator Program

11 September to 20 October 2023

Concept & Vision
Week 1

Knowledge – Master Class (3h)
Individual 1:1 sessions (1h)
Community Session (1h)
Presentation of Intermediary Results (1h)

Ecosystem Analysis
Weeks 2 & 3

Knowledge – Master Class – Training (3h)
Individual 1:1 sessions (1h)
Community Session (1h)
Presentation of Intermediary Results (1h)

Partnering Strategy
Week 4

Knowledge – Master Class – Training (3h)
Individual 1:1 sessions (1h)
Expert Mentor Sessions – Reality Check (1h)
Presentation of Intermediary Results (1h)

Business Model & Fundraising
Week 5

Knowledge – Master Class – Training (3h)
Individual 1:1 sessions (1h)
Expert Mentor Sessions – Reality Check (1h)
Presentation of Intermediary Results (1h)

Pitch Training
Week 6

Knowledge – Master Class – Training (3h)
Individual 1:1 sessions – Pitch Training (1h)
Expert Mentor Sessions – Reality Check (1h)
Community Session: Closing (1h)

Demo Day
Q4 2023

Pitch your project on stage & win partners


Customized support
Quarterly check-ins
Joint ecosystem building offerings
DEEP Community benefits


Erica Santini

Head of Research, Startup Heatmap
Co-Founder, DEEP Ecosystems

Serghei Glinca

Co-Founder, DEEP Ecosystems
Co-Founder & CEO Crystals First

Thomas Kösters

Co-Founder & CEO, DEEP Ecosystems

Sara Usinger

Brainergy Park JĂĽlich & DEEPSEA Head Mentor

Takhmina Lolakova

Project Manager, DEEP Ecosystems

Harald Eisenhauer

Co-Founder & Head of Accelerator, DEEP Ecosystems

Valentina Forrer

President, European Startup Initiative | Research Fellow, DEEP Ecosystems | PhD Candidate at University of Bozen-Bolzano

Michaela  Werther

Startup Coach at TUM Entrepreneurship (Technical University of Munich) & DEEPSEA Head Mentor

Katerina Chantzi

Chief Operations Officer at Cleantech Estonia & DEEPSEA Head Mentor



Trusted by

    Previous editions




Find out more about the DEEP Portfolio Projects

Alumni Testimonials

Mary Nemciuc

Founder & CEO, Technovator (Moldova)

"The name 'DEEP Ecosystems' defines the approach. I am highly impressed with our progress due to your understanding of structuring the playbook, learning materials, tailored guidance, Ecosystem Health Check methodology, mentorship, and all our interactions in this time-frame in such an organized way."

Joel Takala

Innovation Ecosystem Services, of University Aalto Startup Center (Finland)

"I learned a lot from ecosystem builders around the globe. I can truly recommend this program! Successful ecosystems cannot be carried from outside - although benchmarking trips are nice. You need to find your own location's weak spots and barriers to work on. The program provided tools to do this."

Liisi Org

CEO of Latitude59, formerly Startup Estonia

"We learned that we're not alone in this and could help each other a lot on this crazy journey."




Suvi Kivinemi

Living Game Intelligence Network, Helsinki

“The tools and people I started working with through DEEPSEA proved to be invaluable”

Kim Gerlach

 Drivhuset Malmö

“I feel overwhelmed and grateful. Being part of this international community of ecosystem builders is a great experience.”

Estefania Escobar

Insurlab, Frankfurt

“It was incredibly helpful to connect to other ecosystem builders and learn that we can tackle our challenges  with a structured framework."

Contact us

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